Friday, September 5, 2008

lets talk breaking dawn shall we.

if you have read my previous post you should know that i don't like breaking dawn. i will explain why. i have read the book over.

1. i don't really like rennesme. when i read bd the first time i kind of liked her. but after i read it a second time she didn't like her. her the character isn't that bad. but what stephie did with her makes me not like her. i hate that most of the book is about her. i wish it would have been more focused on edward and bella and the volturi(more on volturi). i also don't like her name. i don't know which i dislike more renesme or albus severuse(harry potter)(not sure if thats the name but is something like that). oh and i don't like that jacob imprinted on her. that just is wierd. the only reason why bella and jacob were drawn to gether was b/c he was imprinting on her baby. WTC!

2. the thing that i was looking most forward to was the huge battle. but guess what... it didn't happened. that REALLY ticked me off. she had to give us a happy ending where everyone lives happyily ever after and rainbows and unicorns appear. no one dies of gets injured. that sucks.
my favorite parts of the sagas were the fighting scenes. she was good at writing them so i looked forward to that. but was let down. ugh. at least in harry potter jk rowling had ppl die and stuff and thats what made the ending interesting.

3. let me give you some background info in case you didn't know this.
when steph started writing she intended for it to be a two book thing. just twilight and breaking dawn. but her publishers and her whatever people convinced her to write new moon and eclipse.
so my thing with this is that all the charcters are out of character. in new moon and eclipse none of the characters act like they do in breaking dawn. she probobly should have used there nicknames in those books as well b/c those came from no where. let me give you and example.
edward loves bella. so why the heck would he go to jacob and ask him to convince bella to give up the baby and then go with him and live the rest of there live happy and making normal babies. does that sound like the edward we got to know in the 3 bookds...NO!
anyways and there are a few other things of out of character stuff.

4. these are more on the writing side of this dislike. this one is small but i felt like adding it. heres a little more info for ya.
steph published the book manly her self. so she didn't really have people go and read it and look for mistakes. and they have people that go through books and make sure that words that can be spelled different ways are all spelled the same. and thats where this point leads
there are two ways to spell this word, blond and blonde. they are both used . thats not really anything i just felt like saying it.
the other. on the day of the wedding bella gets up and makes charlie pancakes. when he comes down she gives them to him. a little later on, it says that charlie was looking in to the bowl of his cereal. WHAT! that doesn't make any scence.

i think if stephanie meyer hadn't been working on so many books at once there wouldn't have been mistakes. she was working on the host(love it) midnight sun(has been stopped), helping with the movie, been on tour and then writing breaking dawn. when you multi-task you have a much higher risk of making mistakes and that has been proved.

ok i think thats it. theres is more but this post is WAY too long.
my opinion is that these books should have been a trilogy and had the important stuff(wedding and turning) in the end of eclipse and some of eclipse mushed into new moon.

ok good bye

in a few days or whatever i will tell you what i like about breaking dawn

Tuesday, September 2, 2008!!!!


guess what all twilight fans. guess fricken what... stephany meyer has stopped writing midnight sun.

and would you like to know why.... would you... well this is why.

if you didn't already know someone leaked the first 12 chapters of the book out on the internet. and only like 6 people had those chapters. she says that this was no who she wanted people to experience midnight sun. so she has stopped writing it all together.

i don't know about you but that seems a little selfish. just b/c some leaked it doesn't mean you should stop writing it. come on steph...WTC!

after being disappointed by breaking dawn(liked it at first but since reread it don't really like it) i was, and im sure many others were too, hoping that this book would redeem breaking dawn. but no

but don't worry everyone if you go one stephany meyer's website you can download those first 12 chapters. i have not read them yet b/c i just downloaded them.

so thank you stephy for disappointing us again. just thanks.

(and you couldn't tell im mad)

ps. just b/c im mad at stephanie and don't really like breaking dawn, doesnt mean i don't like twilight series. they are still some of my favorite books and will always love them, i just wish that it was a trilogy and that the really important things in breaking dawn were in the other books. and take out rennesme.